How to Convince Your Children to Do More Exercise

Although many people may deny the fact but it’s true that parenting was pretty much easier forty years ago. Children would run into safe streets and would go into the neighborhoods to find new friends. Moms didn’t have too much to worry about because there was a general sense of security.

But now, things aren’t that much ideal. The overall scenario of safety in streets is not satisfactory. In this scenario, moms prefer their kids to stay at home for as long as possible during the day. To help them not getting bored while staying at home, parents now bring TVs, computers and videos games for the children. With physical activity reduced at this dangerous level, children now days are more prone to get overweight and then obese. To make things worse, there are processed foods which the parents bring for their kids simply because they provide quicker option for eating when the kid gets hungry.

Still, most of the children aren’t obese. Should the parents let their guard down?
The answer is absolute NO. Even if the children at younger age aren’t overweight or fat, the risk of getting overweight in future still looms here. We are living in the age in which walking is limited due to the transportation which covers the distances between communities. In the presence of electronics, children find it boring to go outside and play their favorite sport. Furthermore, children usually get huge doses of calories which exist in the processed foods which parents bring happily because it eases their kitchen routines.

So, when we talk about the necessity of worrying about the chance that children may get overweight in the future, yes we will have to worry about it a lot. In fact, the matter is more about abandoning the destructive practices and focusing on adaptation to healthy lifestyles in order to keep ourselves and our children healthy and fit.

How can we get our children up on their feet then?

According to a study, most of the children engage in physical activity of mild to intense levels for about 60 minutes per day. Now, the good news here is that the physical activity or exercise doesn’t have to be boring. There are a lot of ways you can make it fun for your children. But, there are some basics about it that you will have to take into consideration.
  • The first thing to take into consideration is to lead the way for kids. Children would more likely do what you do. So, if you get lazy after coming back to home and prefer watching TV instead of getting engaged in a healthy activity, your children would do the same.
  • If you want your children to like playing the games, make the games enjoyable for them. For instance, you can bring bikes for them and take them to the green area in your community. Bike riding will quite a fun for them.
  • When we talk about turning off the technology, we talk about turning it off completely. It means that it’s not the children only who are going to face this ban. You should turn it off for you as well.
